I think a little personal reevaluation is screaming to be called for at this point in time. Let's (and by us I do mean me) take stock shall we (same concept);
I'm a heartbeat away from turning 27 (disgustingly expensive gifts should be shipped now to avoid my dissapointment), in reasonably good shape, have an above (way above) average intelligence and no halitosis. You would think that I should be out there painting the town several shades of magenta, right?
The truth (by malice, apologies kareem) of the matter is, I spend more time in the office than is sane, I will instinctively turn down any given midweek excursion (regardless of how many scantily clad females there are in attendance), I spend half an hour each night going over my deliverables for the next day and I can scarcely remember the last time I took a shower that lasted longer than 8 and half minutes (I can almost shave with my eyes closed).
Speaking of shaving, I have been growing a beard for the past 3 months (I trim it occasionally so the birds don't start nesting there again), and while most people think it's a religious ting or a means of self diversication, I do it because shaving is not a high priority. I have attached a bearded picture taken at the office chrismas party (for the brain dead among you, I am the one with the beard).

You're only young once, so fritter your existance away in the persuit of a false sense of self realisation.
God Bless,