In my own defence, I really don't care what you think.
So, right back into it, thanks to Mr. Kareem from Egypt for his efforts in keeping the flame sputtering, I would assume that he is running out of material by now.
I have had myself quite an interesting run of life which I will be relaying to you in tantelizing installments over the next few posts. It's all here, travel, sex, clowns and sushi.
I have provided, for your viewing pleasure, a picture of my motley crew at the cirque de soliel's performance of Quidam a couple of weeks ago.

I will leave you with the following thought, plagerized from the mind pages of Steven Wright;
'I went out and bought some powdered water and now I don't know what to add to it'
May your toilet bowls be forever warm.
a couple of faces i don't recognize here.
and where is miss India??
Eih dah.. he lives.!!!!! I'm like so jealous right now, I really wanted to see that.
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