The Day After Yesterday.
I went on a training / team building session yesterday and realised suddenly that i am either a lot older or i have finally achieved the pinnacle of cynacism. Either way, I am distressed.
While trying to keep my mind from taking trips down to bodacious babe land whence the candy is bountiful and the garments not, I was conciously (somewhat) belittling everything being said and everyone around me. This is now haunting me; have I become so small minded as to assume that I am infinately superior and more knowledgable (somewhat, yes, infinately was planned for about 2020)? Have I aged beyond the point where I am interested or facinated by anything? In either scenario, the will to live has just taken a major (I am talking Enron proportions) stock market plunge.
I sat awake for a large portion of the sleeping portion of the night, which to me is miniscule at best, trying to remember the last time I was excited about something... I did a few laps accross the bed during my mental excavation, consumed 3 or 4 thousand calories worth of triple chocolate cookies, felt guilty, did 127 push ups and innumerable bicep curls... Zilch, nada, nossing, the big zippo. So, I started worrying that my long term memory was shot, alzheimer's, brain cancer, lung cancer, nether region cancer, low sperm count.... Alarm.
There is a moral to this... but that escapes me right now.