Wednesday, May 31, 2006

not-so-darkly undressing

well here goes, it seems all attempts to remain annonymous are not gonna succeed and frankly i don't care about it anymore, as i really don't mind blowing the covers off everybody i wrote about on my other blog

well today's story little kids is about dreams, the ones you remember at least

i've always been a big fan of dreams and how they are a translation of suppressed thoughts, i couldn't agree more myself, and having a mother who's more-than-talented at interpretting dreams has been a great help ever since i've been dreaming.

dreaming about bloggers:

my latest dream composed of two parts, in the first i encountered either AZ or
Nerro i'm not sure who it was exactly, she was a vieled girl who was showing me around in a place i didn't recognize but was most definetly a bedroom, we were having a lot of fun and laughing all the time. nothing more, then part 2 started

all of a sudden i was whisked away to somewhere on the beach and found myself in the presence of people i didn't recognize, the only person who caught my eye was a certain Jazzy character, even though i never saw her in real life but i instantly recognized her in my dream, she was sitting crouched at the far end of the beach, huddled underneath a rock and crying

i approached her, introduced myself and asked what was wrong? and she shoved me away saying "leave me alone kareemfromegypt" and ran off

now although i find that both parts of this dream are as clear as june sky, it's not the lucid meaning behind the dream that allarmed me so much as the fact that i am now dreaming of bloggers.

when did all this happen? i used to be kinda cool, ask around and you'll know. i was once pinned with the label "the great white hunter of female flesh" and i was a successful one too. now keeping that in mind you fast forward to now and find that my social life resembles that a guy who went to the prom with his mom, if she's free that day

so, was it by choice? god knows i've lost touch with a lot of people over the past 3-4 years and mainly it was on purpose, thinking i didn't have time for them and that i was refining my circle of friends and indeed a lot of them were quite disposable but then in the midst of the purification process some good ones were lost in the debris.

i don't regret losing contact with said few, my regrets in life are close to none. no one has benefited himself of choosing to become a victim, but again i'm slightly alarmed on the narrowing of my options.

what matters to you most? you begin asking yourself... is it friends? work? love? all or none of the above? the need to feel good about oneself? does anyting matter? what's with the apathetic attidude? is it mild depression or altering perception? does anybody care? do you even care?

in the continuing tradition of writing first and second depressing posts in a new blog it seems that old habits die hard, but i was doing great i don't think i posted anything depressing (in my opinion) in the past 20 days or so

as long as i shall live i shall struggle with both depressions and delusions of grandior and feeling invincible, part of our natural cycle i believe and this has gone too long

i'm off to dubai to join Cup of Malice in a week from today for an extended weekend of R&R, let's pray it will get me out of the nonchalant apathetic state of mind and get him off the couch.

p.s this doesn't make much sense to me too


Cup of Malice said...

Anonimity is highly overrated, I say let the bastards Know how you feel. What are they going to do, censor your blog? Call for an embargo on all things Kareemish?

Let the thunder roll through the lands and let it be known that our voices shall not be suppressed

KareemFromEgypt said...

exactly, what's the worst they can do, i already don't give two flying farts about them anymore

see you next week man

Pazuzu HSP said...

*trying hard to restrain herself from repeating her joke about Cup Of Malice and Kareem's sexual inclination*

and Kareem: Feels good to the know someone's suffering from the same problem I am always struggling with.

KareemFromEgypt said...

why are you obsessed with jokes about sexual preferences ya pazuzu?

which problem are you referring to? i have a lot of problems

Cup of Malice said...

Methinks that the wayward Pazuzu is of a mind that Duke K of meet on rye and my noble self are wranglers of the derrier.

You are wrong madame, and if I ever get my hands on you, I will show you just how wrong you are...

Pazuzu HSP said...

Kareem, first of all I am reffering to the joke I made on your "bi-blogger" entry. And about your other question, well I could start telling you about how "unusually" close to His Noble Self you are and in this case I can remind you of all the stories about nuns and stuff.
Or I can make a speech about how sexual preference is merely a gradual variation between homo and heterosexuality and in this case my joke would appear like some sort of way to help you explore new sides of your personality.
But the naked truth's that I am a 21 years old teenager that finds little fun in life but to make jokes about others, and after all sex is the best material for jokes.

*closes her dictionary, not that she understood all of His Noble Self's comment*
What ever you might be able to do, if you ever get your hand on me, doesn't deny what you might be capable of doing with kareem. Not that I'm saying you ARE doing anything.
*opens her dictionary again, wipes a tear resulting from comparing her sentence and His Noble Self's writing style* That's it we should start writing in french!!

Cup of Malice said...

Ah the folly of youth...

Pazuzu, It's good to know that someone out there has a sense of humour. As for the writing in french thing, no go, I have enough trouble with the phonecians around here,

Pazuzu HSP said...

you should feel LUCKY to have phoenicians all around you. oh by the way, should I thank you for calling me folly because of my sense of humour? no wonder people give up there sense of humour!

Cup of Malice said...

Folly is a noun or in some instances a verb, it is not an adjective.

I refer to your few years of existance and not to your powers of humour.

I am tired and want to go to sleep...

Cup of Malice said...

Folly is a noun or in some instances a verb, it is not an adjective.

I refer to your few years of existance and not to your powers of humour.

I am tired and want to go to sleep...

Veeeva said...

"the great white hunter of female flesh"

that's what i read from the whole post..hehe

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